WPILib 2012
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CANJaguar Class Reference

#include <CANJaguar.h>

Inheritance diagram for CANJaguar:
MotorSafety PIDOutput SpeedController ErrorBase

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ControlMode {
  kPercentVbus, kCurrent, kSpeed, kPosition,
enum  Faults { kCurrentFault = 1, kTemperatureFault = 2, kBusVoltageFault = 4, kGateDriverFault = 8 }
enum  Limits { kForwardLimit = 1, kReverseLimit = 2 }
enum  PositionReference { kPosRef_QuadEncoder = 0, kPosRef_Potentiometer = 1, kPosRef_None = 0xFF }
enum  SpeedReference { kSpeedRef_Encoder = 0, kSpeedRef_InvEncoder = 2, kSpeedRef_QuadEncoder = 3, kSpeedRef_None = 0xFF }
enum  NeutralMode { kNeutralMode_Jumper = 0, kNeutralMode_Brake = 1, kNeutralMode_Coast = 2 }
enum  LimitMode { kLimitMode_SwitchInputsOnly = 0, kLimitMode_SoftPositionLimits = 1 }

Public Member Functions

 CANJaguar (UINT8 deviceNumber, ControlMode controlMode=kPercentVbus)
virtual float Get ()
virtual void Set (float value, UINT8 syncGroup=0)
virtual void Disable ()
virtual void PIDWrite (float output)
void SetSpeedReference (SpeedReference reference)
SpeedReference GetSpeedReference ()
void SetPositionReference (PositionReference reference)
PositionReference GetPositionReference ()
void SetPID (double p, double i, double d)
double GetP ()
double GetI ()
double GetD ()
void EnableControl (double encoderInitialPosition=0.0)
void DisableControl ()
void ChangeControlMode (ControlMode controlMode)
ControlMode GetControlMode ()
float GetBusVoltage ()
float GetOutputVoltage ()
float GetOutputCurrent ()
float GetTemperature ()
double GetPosition ()
double GetSpeed ()
bool GetForwardLimitOK ()
bool GetReverseLimitOK ()
UINT16 GetFaults ()
bool GetPowerCycled ()
void SetVoltageRampRate (double rampRate)
virtual UINT32 GetFirmwareVersion ()
UINT8 GetHardwareVersion ()
void ConfigNeutralMode (NeutralMode mode)
void ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev (UINT16 codesPerRev)
void ConfigPotentiometerTurns (UINT16 turns)
void ConfigSoftPositionLimits (double forwardLimitPosition, double reverseLimitPosition)
void DisableSoftPositionLimits ()
void ConfigMaxOutputVoltage (double voltage)
void ConfigFaultTime (float faultTime)
void SetExpiration (float timeout)
float GetExpiration ()
bool IsAlive ()
void StopMotor ()
bool IsSafetyEnabled ()
void SetSafetyEnabled (bool enabled)
void GetDescription (char *desc)

Static Public Member Functions

static void UpdateSyncGroup (UINT8 syncGroup)

Static Public Attributes

static const INT32 kControllerRate = 1000
static const double kApproxBusVoltage = 12.0

Protected Member Functions

UINT8 packPercentage (UINT8 *buffer, double value)
UINT8 packFXP8_8 (UINT8 *buffer, double value)
UINT8 packFXP16_16 (UINT8 *buffer, double value)
UINT8 packINT16 (UINT8 *buffer, INT16 value)
UINT8 packINT32 (UINT8 *buffer, INT32 value)
double unpackPercentage (UINT8 *buffer)
double unpackFXP8_8 (UINT8 *buffer)
double unpackFXP16_16 (UINT8 *buffer)
INT16 unpackINT16 (UINT8 *buffer)
INT32 unpackINT32 (UINT8 *buffer)
virtual void setTransaction (UINT32 messageID, const UINT8 *data, UINT8 dataSize)
virtual void getTransaction (UINT32 messageID, UINT8 *data, UINT8 *dataSize)

Static Protected Member Functions

static INT32 sendMessage (UINT32 messageID, const UINT8 *data, UINT8 dataSize)
static INT32 receiveMessage (UINT32 *messageID, UINT8 *data, UINT8 *dataSize, float timeout=0.02)

Protected Attributes

UINT8 m_deviceNumber
ControlMode m_controlMode
SEM_ID m_transactionSemaphore
double m_maxOutputVoltage

Detailed Description

Luminary Micro Jaguar Speed Control

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CANJaguar::CANJaguar ( UINT8  deviceNumber,
ControlMode  controlMode = kPercentVbus 
) [explicit]


deviceNumberThe the address of the Jaguar on the CAN bus.

Member Function Documentation

void CANJaguar::ChangeControlMode ( ControlMode  controlMode)

Change the control mode of this Jaguar object.

After changing modes, configure any PID constants or other settings needed and then EnableControl() to actually change the mode on the Jaguar.

controlModeThe new mode.
void CANJaguar::ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev ( UINT16  codesPerRev)

Configure how many codes per revolution are generated by your encoder.

codesPerRevThe number of counts per revolution in 1X mode.
void CANJaguar::ConfigFaultTime ( float  faultTime)

Configure how long the Jaguar waits in the case of a fault before resuming operation.

Faults include over temerature, over current, and bus under voltage. The default is 3.0 seconds, but can be reduced to as low as 0.5 seconds.

faultTimeThe time to wait before resuming operation, in seconds.
void CANJaguar::ConfigMaxOutputVoltage ( double  voltage)

Configure the maximum voltage that the Jaguar will ever output.

This can be used to limit the maximum output voltage in all modes so that motors which cannot withstand full bus voltage can be used safely.

voltageThe maximum voltage output by the Jaguar.
void CANJaguar::ConfigNeutralMode ( NeutralMode  mode)

Configure what the controller does to the H-Bridge when neutral (not driving the output).

This allows you to override the jumper configuration for brake or coast.

modeSelect to use the jumper setting or to override it to coast or brake.
void CANJaguar::ConfigPotentiometerTurns ( UINT16  turns)

Configure the number of turns on the potentiometer.

There is no special support for continuous turn potentiometers. Only integer numbers of turns are supported.

turnsThe number of turns of the potentiometer
void CANJaguar::ConfigSoftPositionLimits ( double  forwardLimitPosition,
double  reverseLimitPosition 

Configure Soft Position Limits when in Position Controller mode.

When controlling position, you can add additional limits on top of the limit switch inputs that are based on the position feedback. If the position limit is reached or the switch is opened, that direction will be disabled.

forwardLimitPositionThe position that if exceeded will disable the forward direction.
reverseLimitPositionThe position that if exceeded will disable the reverse direction.
void CANJaguar::Disable ( ) [virtual]

Common interface for disabling a motor.

Call DisableControl instead.

Implements SpeedController.

void CANJaguar::DisableControl ( )

Disable the closed loop controller.

Stop driving the output based on the feedback.

void CANJaguar::DisableSoftPositionLimits ( )

Disable Soft Position Limits if previously enabled.

Soft Position Limits are disabled by default.

void CANJaguar::EnableControl ( double  encoderInitialPosition = 0.0)

Enable the closed loop controller.

Start actually controlling the output based on the feedback. If starting a position controller with an encoder reference, use the encoderInitialPosition parameter to initialize the encoder state.

encoderInitialPositionEncoder position to set if position with encoder reference. Ignored otherwise.
float CANJaguar::Get ( ) [virtual]

Get the recently set outputValue setpoint.

The scale and the units depend on the mode the Jaguar is in. In PercentVbus Mode, the outputValue is from -1.0 to 1.0 (same as PWM Jaguar). In Voltage Mode, the outputValue is in Volts. In Current Mode, the outputValue is in Amps. In Speed Mode, the outputValue is in Rotations/Minute. In Position Mode, the outputValue is in Rotations.

The most recently set outputValue setpoint.

Implements SpeedController.

float CANJaguar::GetBusVoltage ( )

Get the voltage at the battery input terminals of the Jaguar.

The bus voltage in Volts.
CANJaguar::ControlMode CANJaguar::GetControlMode ( )

Get the active control mode from the Jaguar.

Ask the Jag what mode it is in.

ControlMode that the Jag is in.
double CANJaguar::GetD ( )

Get the Differential gain of the controller.

The differential gain.
UINT16 CANJaguar::GetFaults ( )

Get the status of any faults the Jaguar has detected.

A bit-mask of faults defined by the "Faults" enum.
UINT32 CANJaguar::GetFirmwareVersion ( ) [virtual]

Get the version of the firmware running on the Jaguar.

The firmware version. 0 if the device did not respond.
bool CANJaguar::GetForwardLimitOK ( )

Get the status of the forward limit switch.

The motor is allowed to turn in the forward direction when true.
UINT8 CANJaguar::GetHardwareVersion ( )

Get the version of the Jaguar hardware.

The hardware version. 1: Jaguar, 2: Black Jaguar
double CANJaguar::GetI ( )

Get the Intregral gain of the controller.

The integral gain.
float CANJaguar::GetOutputCurrent ( )

Get the current through the motor terminals of the Jaguar.

The output current in Amps.
float CANJaguar::GetOutputVoltage ( )

Get the voltage being output from the motor terminals of the Jaguar.

The output voltage in Volts.
double CANJaguar::GetP ( )

Get the Proportional gain of the controller.

The proportional gain.
double CANJaguar::GetPosition ( )

Get the position of the encoder or potentiometer.

The position of the motor in rotations based on the configured feedback.
CANJaguar::PositionReference CANJaguar::GetPositionReference ( )

Get the reference source device for position controller mode.

A PositionReference indicating the currently selected reference device for position controller mode.
bool CANJaguar::GetPowerCycled ( )

Check if the Jaguar's power has been cycled since this was last called.

This should return true the first time called after a Jaguar power up, and false after that.

The Jaguar was power cycled since the last call to this function.
bool CANJaguar::GetReverseLimitOK ( )

Get the status of the reverse limit switch.

The motor is allowed to turn in the reverse direction when true.
double CANJaguar::GetSpeed ( )

Get the speed of the encoder.

The speed of the motor in RPM based on the configured feedback.
CANJaguar::SpeedReference CANJaguar::GetSpeedReference ( )

Get the reference source device for speed controller mode.

A SpeedReference indicating the currently selected reference device for speed controller mode.
float CANJaguar::GetTemperature ( )

Get the internal temperature of the Jaguar.

The temperature of the Jaguar in degrees Celsius.
void CANJaguar::getTransaction ( UINT32  messageID,
UINT8 *  data,
UINT8 *  dataSize 
) [protected, virtual]

Execute a transaction with a Jaguar that gets some property.

Jaguar always generates a message with the same message ID when replying.

messageIDThe messageID to read from the CAN bus (device number is added internally)
dataThe up to 8 bytes of data that was received with the message
dataSizeIndicates how much data was received
void CANJaguar::PIDWrite ( float  output) [virtual]

Write out the PID value as seen in the PIDOutput base object.

Call Set instead.
outputWrite out the PercentVbus value as was computed by the PIDController

Implements PIDOutput.

INT32 CANJaguar::receiveMessage ( UINT32 *  messageID,
UINT8 *  data,
UINT8 *  dataSize,
float  timeout = 0.02 
) [static, protected]

Receive a message from the CAN bus through the CAN driver in FRC_NetworkCommunication

messageIDThe messageID to read from the CAN bus
dataThe up to 8 bytes of data that was received with the message
dataSizeIndicates how much data was received
timeoutSpecify how long to wait for a message (in seconds)
Status of receive call
INT32 CANJaguar::sendMessage ( UINT32  messageID,
const UINT8 *  data,
UINT8  dataSize 
) [static, protected]

Send a message on the CAN bus through the CAN driver in FRC_NetworkCommunication

Trusted messages require a 2-byte token at the beginning of the data payload. If the message being sent is trusted, make space for the token.

messageIDThe messageID to be used on the CAN bus
dataThe up to 8 bytes of data to be sent with the message
dataSizeSpecify how much of the data in "data" to send
Status of send call
void CANJaguar::Set ( float  outputValue,
UINT8  syncGroup = 0 
) [virtual]

Set the output set-point value.

The scale and the units depend on the mode the Jaguar is in. In PercentVbus Mode, the outputValue is from -1.0 to 1.0 (same as PWM Jaguar). In Voltage Mode, the outputValue is in Volts. In Current Mode, the outputValue is in Amps. In Speed Mode, the outputValue is in Rotations/Minute. In Position Mode, the outputValue is in Rotations.

outputValueThe set-point to sent to the motor controller.
syncGroupThe update group to add this Set() to, pending UpdateSyncGroup(). If 0, update immediately.

Implements SpeedController.

void CANJaguar::SetPID ( double  p,
double  i,
double  d 

Set the P, I, and D constants for the closed loop modes.

pThe proportional gain of the Jaguar's PID controller.
iThe integral gain of the Jaguar's PID controller.
dThe differential gain of the Jaguar's PID controller.
void CANJaguar::SetPositionReference ( PositionReference  reference)

Set the reference source device for position controller mode.

Choose between using and encoder and using a potentiometer as the source of position feedback when in position control mode.

referenceSpecify a PositionReference.
void CANJaguar::SetSpeedReference ( SpeedReference  reference)

Set the reference source device for speed controller mode.

Choose encoder as the source of speed feedback when in speed control mode.

referenceSpecify a SpeedReference.
void CANJaguar::setTransaction ( UINT32  messageID,
const UINT8 *  data,
UINT8  dataSize 
) [protected, virtual]

Execute a transaction with a Jaguar that sets some property.

Jaguar always acks when it receives a message. If we don't wait for an ack, the message object in the Jaguar could get overwritten before it is handled.

messageIDThe messageID to be used on the CAN bus (device number is added internally)
dataThe up to 8 bytes of data to be sent with the message
dataSizeSpecify how much of the data in "data" to send
void CANJaguar::SetVoltageRampRate ( double  rampRate)

Set the maximum voltage change rate.

When in PercentVbus or Voltage output mode, the rate at which the voltage changes can be limited to reduce current spikes. Set this to 0.0 to disable rate limiting.

rampRateThe maximum rate of voltage change in Percent Voltage mode in V/s.
void CANJaguar::StopMotor ( ) [virtual]

Common interface for stopping the motor Part of the MotorSafety interface

Call DisableControl instead.

Implements MotorSafety.

void CANJaguar::UpdateSyncGroup ( UINT8  syncGroup) [static]

Update all the motors that have pending sets in the syncGroup.

syncGroupA bitmask of groups to generate synchronous output.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Functions Variables