WPILib 2012
00001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00002 /* Copyright (c) FIRST 2009. All Rights Reserved.                                                         */
00003 /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
00004 /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in $(WIND_BASE)/WPILib.  */
00005 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00008 #ifndef CANJAGUAR_H
00009 #define CANJAGUAR_H
00011 #include "ErrorBase.h"
00012 #include "MotorSafety.h"
00013 #include "MotorSafetyHelper.h"
00014 #include "PIDOutput.h"
00015 #include "SpeedController.h"
00016 #include <semLib.h>
00017 #include <vxWorks.h>
00022 class CANJaguar : public MotorSafety, public PIDOutput, public SpeedController, public ErrorBase
00023 {
00024 public:
00025         // The internal PID control loop in the Jaguar runs at 1kHz.
00026         static const INT32 kControllerRate = 1000;
00027         static const double kApproxBusVoltage = 12.0;
00029         typedef enum {kPercentVbus, kCurrent, kSpeed, kPosition, kVoltage} ControlMode;
00030         typedef enum {kCurrentFault = 1, kTemperatureFault = 2, kBusVoltageFault = 4, kGateDriverFault = 8} Faults;
00031         typedef enum {kForwardLimit = 1, kReverseLimit = 2} Limits;
00032         typedef enum {kPosRef_QuadEncoder = 0, kPosRef_Potentiometer = 1, kPosRef_None = 0xFF} PositionReference;
00033         typedef enum {kSpeedRef_Encoder = 0, kSpeedRef_InvEncoder = 2, kSpeedRef_QuadEncoder = 3, kSpeedRef_None = 0xFF} SpeedReference;
00034         typedef enum {kNeutralMode_Jumper = 0, kNeutralMode_Brake = 1, kNeutralMode_Coast = 2} NeutralMode;
00035         typedef enum {kLimitMode_SwitchInputsOnly = 0, kLimitMode_SoftPositionLimits = 1} LimitMode;
00037         explicit CANJaguar(UINT8 deviceNumber, ControlMode controlMode = kPercentVbus);
00038         virtual ~CANJaguar();
00040         // SpeedController interface
00041         virtual float Get();
00042         virtual void Set(float value, UINT8 syncGroup=0);
00043         virtual void Disable();
00045         // PIDOutput interface
00046         virtual void PIDWrite(float output);
00048         // Other Accessors
00049         void SetSpeedReference(SpeedReference reference);
00050         SpeedReference GetSpeedReference();
00051         void SetPositionReference(PositionReference reference);
00052         PositionReference GetPositionReference();
00053         void SetPID(double p, double i, double d);
00054         double GetP();
00055         double GetI();
00056         double GetD();
00057         void EnableControl(double encoderInitialPosition = 0.0);
00058         void DisableControl();
00059         void ChangeControlMode(ControlMode controlMode);
00060         ControlMode GetControlMode();
00061         float GetBusVoltage();
00062         float GetOutputVoltage();
00063         float GetOutputCurrent();
00064         float GetTemperature();
00065         double GetPosition();
00066         double GetSpeed();
00067         bool GetForwardLimitOK();
00068         bool GetReverseLimitOK();
00069         UINT16 GetFaults();
00070         bool GetPowerCycled();
00071         void SetVoltageRampRate(double rampRate);
00072         virtual UINT32 GetFirmwareVersion();
00073         UINT8 GetHardwareVersion();
00074         void ConfigNeutralMode(NeutralMode mode);
00075         void ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev(UINT16 codesPerRev);
00076         void ConfigPotentiometerTurns(UINT16 turns);
00077         void ConfigSoftPositionLimits(double forwardLimitPosition, double reverseLimitPosition);
00078         void DisableSoftPositionLimits();
00079         void ConfigMaxOutputVoltage(double voltage);
00080         void ConfigFaultTime(float faultTime);
00082         static void UpdateSyncGroup(UINT8 syncGroup);
00084         void SetExpiration(float timeout);
00085         float GetExpiration();
00086         bool IsAlive();
00087         void StopMotor();
00088         bool IsSafetyEnabled();
00089         void SetSafetyEnabled(bool enabled);
00090         void GetDescription(char *desc);
00092 protected:
00093         UINT8 packPercentage(UINT8 *buffer, double value);
00094         UINT8 packFXP8_8(UINT8 *buffer, double value);
00095         UINT8 packFXP16_16(UINT8 *buffer, double value);
00096         UINT8 packINT16(UINT8 *buffer, INT16 value);
00097         UINT8 packINT32(UINT8 *buffer, INT32 value);
00098         double unpackPercentage(UINT8 *buffer);
00099         double unpackFXP8_8(UINT8 *buffer);
00100         double unpackFXP16_16(UINT8 *buffer);
00101         INT16 unpackINT16(UINT8 *buffer);
00102         INT32 unpackINT32(UINT8 *buffer);
00103         virtual void setTransaction(UINT32 messageID, const UINT8 *data, UINT8 dataSize);
00104         virtual void getTransaction(UINT32 messageID, UINT8 *data, UINT8 *dataSize);
00106         static INT32 sendMessage(UINT32 messageID, const UINT8 *data, UINT8 dataSize);
00107         static INT32 receiveMessage(UINT32 *messageID, UINT8 *data, UINT8 *dataSize, float timeout = 0.02);
00109         UINT8 m_deviceNumber;
00110         ControlMode m_controlMode;
00111         SEM_ID m_transactionSemaphore;
00112         double m_maxOutputVoltage;
00114         MotorSafetyHelper *m_safetyHelper;
00116 private:
00117         void InitCANJaguar();
00118 };
00119 #endif
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