WPILib 2012
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions
SensorBase Class Reference

#include <SensorBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for SensorBase:
ErrorBase Accelerometer ADXL345_I2C ADXL345_SPI AnalogChannel AnalogTrigger Compressor Counter DriverStation DriverStationLCD Encoder Gyro HiTechnicCompass I2C InterruptableSensorBase Kinect Module NetworkTables::ConnectionManager PWM Relay SmartDashboard SolenoidBase SPI Ultrasonic Watchdog

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SensorBase ()
virtual ~SensorBase ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void DeleteSingletons ()
static UINT32 GetDefaultAnalogModule ()
static UINT32 GetDefaultDigitalModule ()
static UINT32 GetDefaultSolenoidModule ()
static bool CheckAnalogModule (UINT8 moduleNumber)
static bool CheckDigitalModule (UINT8 moduleNumber)
static bool CheckPWMModule (UINT8 moduleNumber)
static bool CheckRelayModule (UINT8 moduleNumber)
static bool CheckSolenoidModule (UINT8 moduleNumber)
static bool CheckDigitalChannel (UINT32 channel)
static bool CheckRelayChannel (UINT32 channel)
static bool CheckPWMChannel (UINT32 channel)
static bool CheckAnalogChannel (UINT32 channel)
static bool CheckSolenoidChannel (UINT32 channel)

Static Public Attributes

static const UINT32 kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond = 40
static const UINT32 kDigitalChannels = 14
static const UINT32 kAnalogChannels = 8
static const UINT32 kAnalogModules = 2
static const UINT32 kDigitalModules = 2
static const UINT32 kSolenoidChannels = 8
static const UINT32 kSolenoidModules = 2
static const UINT32 kPwmChannels = 10
static const UINT32 kRelayChannels = 8
static const UINT32 kChassisSlots = 8

Protected Member Functions

void AddToSingletonList ()

Detailed Description

Base class for all sensors. Stores most recent status information as well as containing utility functions for checking channels and error processing.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SensorBase::SensorBase ( )

Creates an instance of the sensor base and gets an FPGA handle

SensorBase::~SensorBase ( ) [virtual]

Frees the resources for a SensorBase.

Member Function Documentation

void SensorBase::AddToSingletonList ( ) [protected]

Add sensor to the singleton list. Add this sensor to the list of singletons that need to be deleted when the robot program exits. Each of the sensors on this list are singletons, that is they aren't allocated directly with new, but instead are allocated by the static GetInstance method. As a result, they are never deleted when the program exits. Consequently these sensors may still be holding onto resources and need to have their destructors called at the end of the program.

bool SensorBase::CheckAnalogChannel ( UINT32  channel) [static]

Check that the analog channel number is value. Verify that the analog channel number is one of the legal channel numbers. Channel numbers are 1-based.

Analog channel is valid
bool SensorBase::CheckAnalogModule ( UINT8  moduleNumber) [static]

Check that the analog module number is valid.

Analog module is valid and present
bool SensorBase::CheckDigitalChannel ( UINT32  channel) [static]

Check that the digital channel number is valid. Verify that the channel number is one of the legal channel numbers. Channel numbers are 1-based.

Digital channel is valid
bool SensorBase::CheckDigitalModule ( UINT8  moduleNumber) [static]

Check that the digital module number is valid.

Digital module is valid and present
bool SensorBase::CheckPWMChannel ( UINT32  channel) [static]

Check that the digital channel number is valid. Verify that the channel number is one of the legal channel numbers. Channel numbers are 1-based.

PWM channel is valid
bool SensorBase::CheckPWMModule ( UINT8  moduleNumber) [static]

Check that the digital module number is valid.

Digital module is valid and present
bool SensorBase::CheckRelayChannel ( UINT32  channel) [static]

Check that the digital channel number is valid. Verify that the channel number is one of the legal channel numbers. Channel numbers are 1-based.

Relay channel is valid
bool SensorBase::CheckRelayModule ( UINT8  moduleNumber) [static]

Check that the digital module number is valid.

Digital module is valid and present
bool SensorBase::CheckSolenoidChannel ( UINT32  channel) [static]

Verify that the solenoid channel number is within limits.

Solenoid channel is valid
bool SensorBase::CheckSolenoidModule ( UINT8  moduleNumber) [static]

Check that the solenoid module number is valid.

Solenoid module is valid and present
void SensorBase::DeleteSingletons ( ) [static]

Delete all the singleton classes on the list. All the classes that were allocated as singletons need to be deleted so their resources can be freed.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Functions Variables