WPILib 2012
00001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00002 /* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008. All Rights Reserved.                                                         */
00003 /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
00004 /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in $(WIND_BASE)/WPILib.  */
00005 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00007 #ifndef SENSORBASE_H_
00008 #define SENSORBASE_H_
00010 #include "ChipObject/NiRio.h"
00011 #include "ErrorBase.h"
00012 #include <stdio.h>
00013 #include "Base.h"
00020 class SensorBase: public ErrorBase {
00021 public:
00022         SensorBase();
00023         virtual ~SensorBase();
00024         static void DeleteSingletons();
00025         static UINT32 GetDefaultAnalogModule() { return 1; }
00026         static UINT32 GetDefaultDigitalModule() { return 1; }
00027         static UINT32 GetDefaultSolenoidModule() { return 1; }
00028         static bool CheckAnalogModule(UINT8 moduleNumber);
00029         static bool CheckDigitalModule(UINT8 moduleNumber);
00030         static bool CheckPWMModule(UINT8 moduleNumber);
00031         static bool CheckRelayModule(UINT8 moduleNumber);
00032         static bool CheckSolenoidModule(UINT8 moduleNumber);
00033         static bool CheckDigitalChannel(UINT32 channel);
00034         static bool CheckRelayChannel(UINT32 channel);
00035         static bool CheckPWMChannel(UINT32 channel);
00036         static bool CheckAnalogChannel(UINT32 channel);
00037         static bool CheckSolenoidChannel(UINT32 channel);
00039         static const UINT32 kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond = 40;
00040         static const UINT32 kDigitalChannels = 14;
00041         static const UINT32 kAnalogChannels = 8;
00042         static const UINT32 kAnalogModules = 2;
00043         static const UINT32 kDigitalModules = 2;
00044         static const UINT32 kSolenoidChannels = 8;
00045         static const UINT32 kSolenoidModules = 2;
00046         static const UINT32 kPwmChannels = 10;
00047         static const UINT32 kRelayChannels = 8;
00048         static const UINT32 kChassisSlots = 8;
00049 protected:
00050         void AddToSingletonList();
00052 private:
00053         DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SensorBase);
00054         static SensorBase *m_singletonList;
00055         SensorBase *m_nextSingleton;
00056 };
00059 #endif
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