WPILib 2012
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions
PIDCommand Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PIDCommand:
Command PIDOutput PIDSource SmartDashboardNamedData NetworkTableChangeListener ErrorBase SmartDashboardData

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PIDCommand (const char *name, double p, double i, double d)
 PIDCommand (const char *name, double p, double i, double d, double period)
 PIDCommand (double p, double i, double d)
 PIDCommand (double p, double i, double d, double period)
void SetSetpointRelative (double deltaSetpoint)
virtual void PIDWrite (float output)
virtual double PIDGet ()
NetworkTableGetControllerTable ()
virtual std::string GetType ()

Protected Member Functions

PIDControllerGetPIDController ()
virtual void _Initialize ()
virtual void _Interrupted ()
virtual void _End ()
void SetSetpoint (double setpoint)
double GetSetpoint ()
double GetPosition ()
void SetSetpointRange (double a, double b)
virtual double ReturnPIDInput ()=0
virtual void UsePIDOutput (double output)=0

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