WPILib 2012
PIDCommand Member List
This is the complete list of members for PIDCommand, including all inherited members.
_Cancel()Command [protected, virtual]
_End() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected, virtual]
_Execute() (defined in Command)Command [protected, virtual]
_globalError (defined in ErrorBase)ErrorBase [protected, static]
_globalErrorMutex (defined in ErrorBase)ErrorBase [protected, static]
_Initialize() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected, virtual]
_Interrupted() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected, virtual]
AssertUnlocked(const char *message)Command [protected]
ClearError() const ErrorBase [virtual]
CloneError(ErrorBase *rhs) const (defined in ErrorBase)ErrorBase [virtual]
Command(const char *name)Command
Command(double timeout)Command
Command(const char *name, double timeout)Command
DoesRequire(Subsystem *subsystem)Command
End()=0Command [protected, pure virtual]
ErrorBase()ErrorBase [protected]
Execute()=0Command [protected, pure virtual]
GetControllerTable() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand
GetError()ErrorBase [virtual]
GetError() const (defined in ErrorBase)ErrorBase [virtual]
GetGlobalError()ErrorBase [static]
GetName() (defined in Command)Command [virtual]
GetPIDController() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected]
GetPosition() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected]
GetSetpoint() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected]
GetTable() (defined in Command)Command [virtual]
GetType() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [virtual]
Initialize()=0Command [protected, pure virtual]
Interrupted()=0Command [protected, pure virtual]
IsFinished()=0Command [protected, pure virtual]
IsTimedOut()Command [protected]
m_error (defined in ErrorBase)ErrorBase [mutable, protected]
PIDCommand(const char *name, double p, double i, double d) (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand
PIDCommand(const char *name, double p, double i, double d, double period) (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand
PIDCommand(double p, double i, double d) (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand
PIDCommand(double p, double i, double d, double period) (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand
PIDGet() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [virtual]
PIDWrite(float output) (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [virtual]
Requires(Subsystem *s)Command
ReturnPIDInput()=0 (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected, pure virtual]
SetErrnoError(const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, UINT32 lineNumber) const ErrorBase [virtual]
SetError(Error::Code code, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, UINT32 lineNumber) const ErrorBase [virtual]
SetGlobalError(Error::Code code, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, UINT32 lineNumber) (defined in ErrorBase)ErrorBase [static]
SetGlobalWPIError(const char *errorMessage, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, UINT32 lineNumber) (defined in ErrorBase)ErrorBase [static]
SetImaqError(int success, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, UINT32 lineNumber) const ErrorBase [virtual]
SetInterruptible(bool interruptible)Command
SetParent(CommandGroup *parent)Command [protected]
SetRunWhenDisabled(bool run)Command
SetSetpoint(double setpoint) (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected]
SetSetpointRange(double a, double b) (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected]
SetSetpointRelative(double deltaSetpoint) (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand
SetTimeout(double timeout)Command [protected]
SetWPIError(const char *errorMessage, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, UINT32 lineNumber) const ErrorBase [virtual]
StatusIsFatal() const ErrorBase [virtual]
SubsystemSet typedef (defined in Command)Command
UsePIDOutput(double output)=0 (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [protected, pure virtual]
ValueChanged(NetworkTable *table, const char *name, NetworkTables_Types type) (defined in Command)Command [virtual]
ValueConfirmed(NetworkTable *table, const char *name, NetworkTables_Types type) (defined in Command)Command [inline, virtual]
~Command() (defined in Command)Command [virtual]
~ErrorBase() (defined in ErrorBase)ErrorBase [virtual]
~PIDCommand() (defined in PIDCommand)PIDCommand [virtual]
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