WPILib 2012
00001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00002 /* Copyright (c) FIRST 2011. All Rights Reserved.                                                         */
00003 /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
00004 /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in $(WIND_BASE)/WPILib.  */
00005 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00007 #ifndef __COMMAND_H__
00008 #define __COMMAND_H__
00010 #include "ErrorBase.h"
00011 #include "NetworkTables/NetworkTableChangeListener.h"
00012 #include "SmartDashboard/SmartDashboardNamedData.h"
00013 #include <set>
00014 #include <string>
00016 class CommandGroup;
00017 class NetworkTable;
00018 class Subsystem;
00045 class Command : public SmartDashboardNamedData, public NetworkTableChangeListener, public ErrorBase
00046 {
00047         friend class CommandGroup;
00048         friend class Scheduler;
00049 public:
00050         Command();
00051         Command(const char *name);
00052         Command(double timeout);
00053         Command(const char *name, double timeout);
00054         virtual ~Command();
00055         double TimeSinceInitialized();
00056         void Requires(Subsystem *s);
00057         bool IsCanceled();
00058         void Start();
00059         bool Run();
00060         void Cancel();
00061         bool IsRunning();
00062         bool IsInterruptible();
00063         void SetInterruptible(bool interruptible);
00064         bool DoesRequire(Subsystem *subsystem);
00065         typedef std::set<Subsystem *> SubsystemSet;
00066         SubsystemSet GetRequirements();
00067         CommandGroup *GetGroup();
00068         void SetRunWhenDisabled(bool run);
00069         bool WillRunWhenDisabled();
00071         virtual std::string GetName();
00072         virtual std::string GetType();
00073         virtual NetworkTable *GetTable();
00075         virtual void ValueChanged(NetworkTable *table, const char *name, NetworkTables_Types type);
00076         virtual void ValueConfirmed(NetworkTable *table, const char *name, NetworkTables_Types type) {}
00078 protected:
00079         void SetTimeout(double timeout);
00080         bool IsTimedOut();
00081         bool AssertUnlocked(const char *message);
00082         void SetParent(CommandGroup *parent);
00087         virtual void Initialize() = 0;
00092         virtual void Execute() = 0;
00103         virtual bool IsFinished() = 0;
00109         virtual void End() = 0;
00122         virtual void Interrupted() = 0;
00123         virtual void _Initialize();
00124         virtual void _Interrupted();
00125         virtual void _Execute();
00126         virtual void _End();
00127         virtual void _Cancel();
00129 private:
00130         void InitCommand(const char *name, double timeout);
00131         void LockChanges();
00132         /*synchronized*/ void Removed();
00133         void StartRunning();
00134         void StartTiming();
00137         std::string m_name;
00139         double m_startTime;
00141         double m_timeout;
00143         bool m_initialized;
00145         SubsystemSet m_requirements;
00147         bool m_running;
00149         bool m_interruptible;
00151         bool m_canceled;
00153         bool m_locked;
00155         bool m_runWhenDisabled;
00157         CommandGroup *m_parent;
00159         NetworkTable *m_table;
00160 };
00162 #endif
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