WPILib 2012
Error Member List
This is the complete list of members for Error, including all inherited members.
Clear() (defined in Error)Error
Clone(Error &error) (defined in Error)Error
Code typedef (defined in Error)Error
EnableStackTrace(bool enable) (defined in Error)Error [inline, static]
EnableSuspendOnError(bool enable) (defined in Error)Error [inline, static]
Error() (defined in Error)Error
GetCode() const (defined in Error)Error
GetFilename() const (defined in Error)Error
GetFunction() const (defined in Error)Error
GetLineNumber() const (defined in Error)Error
GetMessage() const (defined in Error)Error
GetOriginatingObject() const (defined in Error)Error
GetTime() const (defined in Error)Error
Set(Code code, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, UINT32 lineNumber, const ErrorBase *originatingObject) (defined in Error)Error
~Error() (defined in Error)Error
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