This is the complete list of members for SPI, including all inherited members.
_globalError (defined in ErrorBase) | ErrorBase | protectedstatic |
_globalErrorMutex (defined in ErrorBase) | ErrorBase | protectedstatic |
AddToSingletonList() | SensorBase | protected |
ApplyConfig() | SPI | virtual |
CheckAnalogChannel(uint32_t channel) | SensorBase | static |
CheckAnalogModule(uint8_t moduleNumber) | SensorBase | static |
CheckDigitalChannel(uint32_t channel) | SensorBase | static |
CheckDigitalModule(uint8_t moduleNumber) | SensorBase | static |
CheckPWMChannel(uint32_t channel) | SensorBase | static |
CheckPWMModule(uint8_t moduleNumber) | SensorBase | static |
CheckRelayChannel(uint32_t channel) | SensorBase | static |
CheckRelayModule(uint8_t moduleNumber) | SensorBase | static |
CheckSolenoidChannel(uint32_t channel) | SensorBase | static |
CheckSolenoidModule(uint8_t moduleNumber) | SensorBase | static |
ClearError() const | ErrorBase | virtual |
ClearReceivedData() | SPI | virtual |
CloneError(ErrorBase *rhs) const (defined in ErrorBase) | ErrorBase | virtual |
DeleteSingletons() | SensorBase | static |
ErrorBase() | ErrorBase | protected |
GetBitsPerWord() | SPI | |
GetDefaultAnalogModule() (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | inlinestatic |
GetDefaultDigitalModule() (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | inlinestatic |
GetDefaultSolenoidModule() (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | inlinestatic |
GetError() | ErrorBase | virtual |
GetError() const (defined in ErrorBase) | ErrorBase | virtual |
GetGlobalError() | ErrorBase | static |
GetNumReceived() | SPI | virtual |
GetOutputFIFOAvailable() | SPI | virtual |
GetSlaveSelect(tFrameMode *mode=NULL, bool *activeLow=NULL) | SPI | |
HadReceiveOverflow() | SPI | |
IsDone() | SPI | virtual |
kAnalogChannels (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kAnalogModules (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kChassisSlots (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kChipSelect enum value (defined in SPI) | SPI | |
kDigitalChannels (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kDigitalModules (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kPostLatchPulse enum value (defined in SPI) | SPI | |
kPreAndPostLatchPulse enum value (defined in SPI) | SPI | |
kPreLatchPulse enum value (defined in SPI) | SPI | |
kPwmChannels (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kReceiveFIFODepth enum value (defined in SPI) | SPI | |
kRelayChannels (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kSolenoidChannels (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kSolenoidModules (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond (defined in SensorBase) | SensorBase | static |
kTransmitFIFODepth enum value (defined in SPI) | SPI | |
m_channels (defined in SPI) | SPI | protected |
m_config (defined in SPI) | SPI | protected |
m_error (defined in ErrorBase) | ErrorBase | mutableprotected |
m_semaphore (defined in SPI) | SPI | protectedstatic |
m_spi (defined in SPI) | SPI | protected |
m_ss (defined in SPI) | SPI | protected |
Read(bool initiate=false) | SPI | virtual |
Reset() | SPI | virtual |
SensorBase() | SensorBase | |
SetBitsPerWord(uint32_t bits) | SPI | |
SetClockActiveHigh() | SPI | |
SetClockActiveLow() | SPI | |
SetClockRate(double hz) | SPI | |
SetErrnoError(const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, uint32_t lineNumber) const | ErrorBase | virtual |
SetError(Error::Code code, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, uint32_t lineNumber) const | ErrorBase | virtual |
SetGlobalError(Error::Code code, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, uint32_t lineNumber) (defined in ErrorBase) | ErrorBase | static |
SetGlobalWPIError(const char *errorMessage, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, uint32_t lineNumber) (defined in ErrorBase) | ErrorBase | static |
SetImaqError(int success, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, uint32_t lineNumber) const | ErrorBase | virtual |
SetLSBFirst() | SPI | |
SetMSBFirst() | SPI | |
SetSampleDataOnFalling() | SPI | |
SetSampleDataOnRising() | SPI | |
SetSlaveSelect(DigitalOutput *ss, tFrameMode mode=kChipSelect, bool activeLow=false) | SPI | |
SetSlaveSelect(DigitalOutput &ss, tFrameMode mode=kChipSelect, bool activeLow=false) | SPI | |
SetWPIError(const char *errorMessage, const char *contextMessage, const char *filename, const char *function, uint32_t lineNumber) const | ErrorBase | virtual |
SPI(DigitalOutput &clk, DigitalOutput &mosi, DigitalInput &miso) | SPI | |
SPI(DigitalOutput *clk, DigitalOutput *mosi, DigitalInput *miso) | SPI | |
SPI(DigitalOutput &clk, DigitalOutput &mosi) | SPI | |
SPI(DigitalOutput *clk, DigitalOutput *mosi) | SPI | |
SPI(DigitalOutput &clk, DigitalInput &miso) | SPI | |
SPI(DigitalOutput *clk, DigitalInput *miso) | SPI | |
StatusIsFatal() const | ErrorBase | virtual |
tFrameMode enum name (defined in SPI) | SPI | |
tSPIConstants enum name (defined in SPI) | SPI | |
Write(uint32_t data) | SPI | virtual |
~ErrorBase() (defined in ErrorBase) | ErrorBase | virtual |
~SensorBase() | SensorBase | virtual |
~SPI() | SPI | virtual |