WPILib  2014.0
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1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 /* Copyright (c) FIRST 2011. All Rights Reserved. */
3 /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
4 /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in $(WIND_BASE)/WPILib. */
5 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7 #ifndef __SKELETON_H__
8 #define __SKELETON_H__
15 class Skeleton
16 {
17  friend class Kinect;
18 public:
19  typedef enum
20  {
21  HipCenter = 0,
22  Spine = 1,
23  ShoulderCenter = 2,
24  Head = 3,
25  ShoulderLeft = 4,
26  ElbowLeft = 5,
27  WristLeft = 6,
28  HandLeft = 7,
29  ShoulderRight = 8,
30  ElbowRight = 9,
31  WristRight = 10,
32  HandRight = 11,
33  HipLeft = 12,
34  KneeLeft = 13,
35  AnkleLeft = 14,
36  FootLeft = 15,
37  HipRight = 16,
38  KneeRight = 17,
39  AnkleRight = 18,
40  FootRight = 19,
41  JointCount = 20
42  } JointTypes;
44  typedef enum {kNotTracked, kInferred, kTracked} JointTrackingState;
46  typedef struct
47  {
48  float x;
49  float y;
50  float z;
51  JointTrackingState trackingState;
52  } Joint;
54  Joint GetHandRight() { return m_joints[HandRight]; }
55  Joint GetHandLeft() { return m_joints[HandLeft]; }
56  Joint GetWristRight() { return m_joints[WristRight]; }
57  Joint GetWristLeft() { return m_joints[WristLeft]; }
58  Joint GetElbowLeft() { return m_joints[ElbowLeft]; }
59  Joint GetElbowRight() { return m_joints[ElbowRight]; }
60  Joint GetShoulderLeft() { return m_joints[ShoulderLeft]; }
61  Joint GetShoulderRight() { return m_joints[ShoulderRight]; }
62  Joint GetShoulderCenter() { return m_joints[ShoulderCenter]; }
63  Joint GetHead() { return m_joints[Head]; }
64  Joint GetSpine() { return m_joints[Spine]; }
65  Joint GetHipCenter() { return m_joints[HipCenter]; }
66  Joint GetHipRight() { return m_joints[HipRight]; }
67  Joint GetHipLeft() { return m_joints[HipLeft]; }
68  Joint GetKneeLeft() { return m_joints[KneeLeft]; }
69  Joint GetKneeRight() { return m_joints[KneeRight]; }
70  Joint GetAnkleLeft() { return m_joints[AnkleLeft]; }
71  Joint GetAnkleRight() { return m_joints[AnkleRight]; }
72  Joint GetFootLeft() { return m_joints[FootLeft]; }
73  Joint GetFootRight() { return m_joints[FootRight]; }
74  Joint GetJointValue(JointTypes index) { return m_joints[index]; }
76 private:
77  Joint m_joints[20];
78 };
80 #endif
Definition: Skeleton.h:46
Definition: Kinect.h:24
Definition: Skeleton.h:15